Job alert: PhD position in “Biodiversity and cosystem Services of Large Mammals” (Frankfurt, Germany)

The Institute for Ecology, Evolution and Diversity of the Goethe University Frankfurt and the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre Frankfurt, working group Prof. Katrin Böhning-Gaese, invites applications for a PhD position in “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Large Mammals” (E13 TV-G-U, 65%).
The successful applicant will investigate in a DFG funded project the impact of climatic factors on large mammal communities and their ecosystem services, in particular tourism, at the community, landscape and macroecological scale. The focus will be mainly on monitoring of large mammal communities, tourists and vegetation in African National Parks. In addition, macroecological, statistical analyses of large-scale data sets on mammals, tourists and vegetation will be conducted across multiple National Parks. The project is interdisciplinary, addressing scientific questions and applying methods from both the natural and social sciences.
The applicant should hold a Masters Degree in ecology or a related field, and have a solid background in animal ecology, community ecology, landscape ecology and/or macroecology. He or she should have experience in field work, preferentially in Africa, and in advanced statistical analyses and should be interested in large mammals, ecosystem services and socialecological systems. He or she is expected to conduct field work independently in selected African National Parks, to carry out interviews with tourists, to collaborate with wildlife administrations, NGOs, and other stakeholders, to compile and to handle large-scale macroecological data-sets and to perform advanced statistical analyses. Required are further very good written and oral communication skills and if possible, proof of publication abilities.
Salary and benefits are according to a public service position in Germany (TV-G-U, E13, 65%). The contract shall start on 01.01. 2013 and will be restricted to 3 years.
Please send your application by e-mail attachment, in one pdf document, including a letter of interest, a detailed CV, contact details of 2 referees and, if available, pdfs of publications before 31.10.2012 to Tonka.Stoyanova@senckenberg.de. For scientific enquiries please write to Prof. Dr. K. Böhning-Gaese (email: katrin.boehning-gaese@senckenberg.de).

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