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Article alert: Patterns of widespread decline in North American bumble bees
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jan 11;108(2):662-7. Epub 2011 Jan 3. Cameron SA, Lozier JD, Strange JP, Koch JB, Cordes N, Solter LF, Griswold TL Bumble bees (Bombus) are vitally important pollinators of wild p...

Article alert: Biology of Elaeidobius Kamerunicus and Elaeidobius Plagiatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Main Pollinators of Oil Palm in West Africa
European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.49 No.3 (2011), pp.426-432 Yalamoussa Tuo, Hervé K. Koua and Nklo Hala The pollination of the oil palm is assured mainly by the insects. The most effective...

Article alert: Cascading Effects of Bird Functional Extinction Reduce Pollination and Plant Density
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1199092 Anderson SH, Kelly D, Ladley JJ, Molloy S, Terry J. Reductions in bird numbers could hamper ecosystem services such as pollination, but experimental proof is lacking. We show that fu...

Post-doctoral Research Assistant Centre for Neuroscience (Ninewells Hospital Medical School, Dundee)
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research assistant post in the laboratory of Dr Jenni Harvey to carry out cutting edge, multidisciplinary research to elucidate the synergistic effects of pesticides on the neural m...

Advertisement for Project personal (Uttarakhand, India)
Applications are invited for the following post on a consolidated fellowship basis in the project entitled “Conversion and Management of Pollinators for Sustainable Agriculture through an Ecosystem Approach” funding from FAO ...

International conference "Science for the environment - environment for society"
Denmark (Aarhus) 5-6 October 2011 The overarching aim of the conference is to place existing scientific knowledge of environment and society within the context of relevant EU environmental legislation, and v...

Postgraduate Training "The Role of Legume-Based Wild Flower Mixes in Improving the Sustainability of Agricultural Systems"
TThe studentship is funded by Scottish Crop Research Institute and the University of Stirling. The project supervisor at the University of Stirling is Prof. David Goulson (see http://www.sbes.stir.ac.uk/people/goulson/). Cand...

Article alert: Dosage-Dependent Impacts of a Floral Volatile Compound on Pollinators, Larcenists, and the Potential for Floral Evolution in the Alpine Skypilot Polemoniu...
The American Naturalist Vol. 177, No. 2 (February 2011), pp. 258-272 Galen C, Kaczorowski R, Todd SL, Geib J & Raguso RA All volatile organic compounds (VOCs) vary quantitatively, yet how such variation affects their ...

PhD scholarship in integrative zoology
Lund University (Sweden) is looking for PhD student in integrative zoology to work on understanding insect flight control and the ability of a crucially important greenhouse pollinator to fly and pollinate under artifical lig...

RNA Viruses in Hymenopteran Pollinators: Evidence of Inter-Taxa Virus Transmission via Pollen and Potential Impact on Non-Apis Hymenopteran Species
PLoS One. 2010; 5(12): e14357 Singh R, Levitt AL, Rajotte EG, Holmes EC, Ostiguy N, et al. In containment greenhouse experiments, IAPV moved from infected honey bees to bumble bees and from infected bumble bees to hone...

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